SOME OTHER AIMS [1]To urge muslims to have a good attitude towards nationals integration and have aproper view of nationality in the essence of quraan and hadees. [2]To establish presses and centers to activate religious ,educational,social and financial works activities. [3]To establish a centre for the fatwas which can deliver each and every type of litrature,dacuments and can refute hypocrites and infidels. [4]To unite all the fronts and sects of muslims and let them benrfit entire muslim community. [5]To stop the hypocrites to spray thier false religion and to creat such weather that can keep every united like the sunny ulemas and the saiyyids.To try to face and to refute those infidels as well hypocriets every possible way. [6]To do such activities that can benefit people,which are not describe in above quoted aims. This section could highlight significant events occurring at the MISSION. An example of this is our recent yard sale, which was a huge success. With the help of over 100 members, the yard sale brought in nearly $6,000. Thank you to everyone who contributed items to sell or their time to make this popular event SUCCESFUL for all. |
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RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES [1]To create such conditions and atmosphere from which people can have a richer attitude towards quraan and towards Hujoor sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam.To make them realize the greatest ness status of quran and Hujoor sallaho Alaihe Wasallam. [2]To prevent and to stop and to refute people converting to other religion and make them heal in the essence of islam and to make them realize that they are from pure religion. [3]To protect and to make the ways of protection of the monuments and the sign of former muslims as well saints. These are related to historicals,culture and social values. [4]To protect and to preserv cementeries, mosque,shrines. [5]To direct and to administrate properly the spraying activities of islamand to construct and establish committees and to lead them properly.To remove and to think about the solutions for certain kind of dogmas,unawareness. |
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Educational Aims [1]To give muslims the real islamic style of education,like to organize functions for the litrature of quraan,to establish madarsa and to built mosques and libraries of islamic and worldly litrature. [2]To remove common illitracy means to open new schools for muslim and to make an uregment to continue study and make available all the things that are needed.Each and every type of muslims and each class be benifited. [4]To establish new primaries and secondries as needed that can have vast network so all can have religious, scientific, culture and social kwoledge. [5]TO help and to give support to the institutions those are involved in improving sunni world and muslims. [6]To support every activity like educational,religious national awareness,ceative steps to remove poverty and to pour the essence of dignity to make people progressive. CONSRUCTION [TAMIR] OF MOSQUE CONSTRUCTION OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION CONSRUCTION OF DARUL ULOOM |